Saturday, June 30, 2012


Security is fairly high in Kampala.
Most homes, including my apartment complex, are surrounded by high walls or fences topped by razor wire and with big heavy steel gates manned by a guard.  Guests have to toot their car horns to be admitted.  My taxi driver last night told me that a client of his had recently been robbed in her own bed at 3am by a thief who somehow got in - perhaps the gate had been left open.

Most older homes have bars across all the windows as an extra precaution against intruders.

Public security is also high at the moment due to fears of Islamic terrorist threats on significant dates and at large public gatherings like sports events.  It's common to have your bags searched when you go into a hotel or shopping mall.  There is a highly visible police and army presence in Kampala too.

This is the army barracks in Mbuya - it looks like an African village complete with sharecropped maize, which the military wives roast on charcoal burners and sell by the roadside.

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