Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Country Life

This week I took a trip upcountry to Kibaale district, in Bunyoro-Kitara in western Uganda with Nancy, who is working on the Saving Mothers Giving Life project.  We drove to Mubende, about 2 hours from Kampala, and from there it was about another 1.5 hours by murram (dirt) road to Kibaale.

The power lines run along the roads here but most buildings have their own generator and/or solar panels since there are frequent and sometimes prolonged (up to 12 hour) power cuts.  Most homes have a tank to collect rainwater, and there are boreholes in some of the villages. 
We stayed in the “Complex” – it was very clean and comfortable although the bar was a bit noisy at night.  Ugandan beds are four-posters to better support a mosquito net, and the room had an ensuite bathroom with a hot shower that drained on to the floor.  Dinner is chicken and chips wherever you go! The rooster crowing outside provided a handy wake-up call at dawn (around 6:30) and breakfast is black tea flavored with ginger, white bread with blue band margarine and a hard boiled egg.  All for 25,000 USh or $10 a night.

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