Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Go Nancy, Go!

Nancy and I went for a walk after work and met these girls in the school yard.  Nancy dived in and in no time had organized us into two teams for a soccer game. 
At one point the ball rolled under a locked shed but we managed to extract it with a palm frond.
The girls were good players and had no hesitation rushing in to tackle even with bare feet.  I found my métier in defence - getting in the way and slowing the ball down even if I don’t kick so well…I had a great goalie too.  The girls got hold of my camera and started taking pictures – this little girl didn’t realize she was taking her own portrait which caused much merriment!
The game ended in a very honorable 5-5 draw.  
The next day when we were on the way back to Kampala, driving through the countryside on the murram road, a volleyball came rolling into the path of the car.  Nancy leapt out to retrieve it and before  we knew it she had been invited to join the volleyball game.  The whole school came out to watch.  It was a very memorable event for all of us.

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