Friday, June 15, 2012


Uganda's current President, Yoweri Museveni of the National Resistance Movement (NRM), has been in power since 1986 and his strong personal leadership is credited among other advances, with Uganda's success in reducing the incidence of HIV from its peak.

When I first arrived in Uganda and was picked up from the airport late at night, we were overtaken by the President's motorcade traveling at high speed from Entebbe to Kampala. The Ugandan First Lady is Janet Museveni so my name is easy to remember for Ugandans!

There are election posters everywhere with pictures of President Museveni and messages about health, employment and oil.  While Museveni has introduced a multi-party democracy in Uganda he remains very popular after 25 years in power.

From the rash of election posters liberally plastered all over the school walls at Kampala Junior Academy, which neighbors the Golf Course Apartments, Ugandans are into politics from an early age.

Ugandans love US President Obama - a local joke goes that OBAMA stands for Original Black African Managing America.  I couldn't resist buying this kitenge fabric and am having it made into an African-style dress.

Watch out - here comes Obama's campaign vehicle at the Vintage and Classic Auto Show...

July 21: they even name restaurants in Obama's honor here - sign seen in Kabalagala on Ggaba Road

1 comment:

  1. It seems that Uganda is not immune from dirty tricks and smear campaigns to discredit one's opponents at election time. I learned from some missionary friends about "Night Dancers" who are reputed to (variously) strip naked, paint their bodies white, eat human flesh and blood. smear excrement on the gateposts of their clients' enemies and conjure evil spirits to bring them misfortune. Apparently business is brisk among politicians at election time. the night dancers are feared just as werewolves / vampires / zombies are in western cultures.
