Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Camping in the bush

I stayed at the Red Chilli Rest Camp, a pleasant campsite on the south bank of the Nile at Paraa.  Accommodation was furnished in tents, each with two single beds inside. 

Wild warthogs roamed freely through the camp and hippos come up to graze between the tents at night.

I was literally jolted awake at 4am on Monday morning by an animal leaning on the outer wall of the tent by my bed, pushing it and me aside.  At first I thought it was a hippo and was petrified, hardly daring to breathe.  It was leaning heavily on me as I lay in bed, so close I could hear it breathing in rapid snorts.  I realized it was too small to be a hippo and was probably a warthog, so lay awake while it snored, and then shortly before dawn it got up and wandered off, munching the grass (listen the the video below to hear what warthog munching sounds like.)
And here is the night time chorus of the bush.

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