Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A week of goodbyes

My last week in Kampala is drawing to a close before I head off on safari, so it's been a succession of farewells.

Andrew, the Head of Research at the Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI) and my local client / manager is on a business trip in South Africa this week, and so he invited me to lunch at his home on Saturday meet his wife Joyce and son Jeremy.
Monday was my last rehearsal with the Kampala Symphony Orchestra, who are preparing for their next concert in late September.  It's traditional to take cake when you leave - the two carrot cakes I'd baked disappeared in about two minutes flat.

Tuesday I paid a last visit to Bridget, my tailor, who had made some tops from me from some African print fabrics that Andrew and Joyce had given me as a parting gift.  That night I said goodbye over dinner to Jeff and Nedra, the other Pfizer fellows still here in Kampala before we all go our separate ways on safaris or back to the US.

Wednesday was a flurry of activity; I performed in the IDI clinic waiting room for a second and last time, and then had a farewell lunch with Allen, the head of the Research office whom I've been mentoring, and her team.

In the evening I was invited over to Debbie's in Makindye for one last musical soiree - I'll be returning my rented cello to the Music School this afternoon before giving a last couple of cello lessons there.  I will be sad to see the cello go - I've schlepped it around Kampala and had a lot of enjoyment from playing with and for other people as well as keeping me gainfully occupied in the evenings.

Friday will be my last day at IDI - hard to believe it's almost over!

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