Saturday, September 8, 2012

Game drive at Queen Elizabeth National Park

On Thursday morning we set out before dawn for a game drive in Queen Elizabeth National park.  The air was chill and damp and we had to bundle up as we stood on the back seat of the jeep, with our heads out of the open roof, scanning for wildlife.

At first most of the animals we saw were solitary; a bushbuck, baboons, buffalo, elephant.  We crossed into the breeding grounds of  Uganda Kob and the landscape changed to plains with short green grass dotted with small trees and thickets, where we came across this herd of three waterbuck

Then our driver got a call on his cellphone and we raced across the park to find a pride of eight lions feasting on a kill. Lions at last! More on this in a subsequent post.

As the sun rose and warmed the savannah more animals emerged:
 Ugandan kob
Finally we drove to the shores of another fishing village on Lake George to see the herds of hippo resting in the water
Thus ended our final formal game drive of the holiday

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