Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Game in Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo is the only one of the parks I visited that has zebra.  These are Burchell's zebras and can deliver a mighty kick.
We saw several species of antelope in the park.
The smallest, seen on our night drive, was a reedbuck, which is small with a black stripe on its nose and a brown tail.
Lake Mburo has impala which have a black stripe on the thigh, rather than the Ugandan kobs that we saw in Murchison Falls and Queen Elizabeth National Park. Impala horns twist out first then up as opposed to kob horns which grow upwards and then twist out.
Topi are larger, dark brown antelope with shorter horns that curve backward.
Next is the shy bushbuck, which is a reddish brown medium sized antelope with white spots and a white ring around its neck. The pictures above are of a very tame bushbuck at Entebbe Zoo - the ones at Lake Mburo were too shy for photos.
Larger still is the Defassa's waterbuck, which is greyish-brown and is distinguished from the common waterbuck by having a white patch rather than a white ring on its rump.  Water buck excrete a bad smelling musk from a gland when chased as a deterrent to lions. These are females above; the horned male is below.
Largest of all the antelopes is the elusive eland, which we saw drinking in the morning and evening at the salt lick below Mihingo Lodge.
Warthogs also abound in Lake Mburo.
 We came across a vast herd of buffalo moving through the trees on our night drive.

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