Sunday, September 16, 2012

Primates at Kibale

The Kibale Forest National Park has the largest number of primate species of any Ugandan parks, including chimpanzees, baboons, vervet monkeys, colobus monkeys, grey cheeked mangabeys, red tailed monkeys and five others that we didn't see.
Red tailed monkeys scampered across the treetops surrounding the visitor center

On the way out of the park we found a tree full of grey cheeked mangabeys.
The highlight was the chimps.  After a short walk into the forest we found a habituated family eating figs in the treetops.

 Once chimp climbed half way down from the canopy but stopped to build a nest and sleep off his breakfast.

The noise the chimps made was incredible - here they were squabbling over the best place to sit and eat fruit.

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