Friday, September 14, 2012

The Kingdom of Toro

Toro is the youngest of four traditional kingdoms in Uganda, having been created in about 1825 by one of the sons of the king of the Bunyoro.  The king of Toro is called the Omukama and his palace was recently built in the capital of his kingdom Fort Portal with funding from General Gaddafi of Libya.  Having been abolished by Idi Amin, the monarchies were restored by Museveni in 1993; the present Omukama ascended to the throne at only three years old.

This is a typical Toro basket woven from grasses; all the colors are natural.
 Mosque in Fort Portal
The Fort Portal area is very beautiful; we passed fields of tea plantations and the tea pickers were hard at work plucking the leaf tips and tossing them over their shoulders into the baskets strapped to their backs.

Cows and goats on the way to Kibale Forest camp

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