Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mweya Lodge

Mweya Lodge sits in a superb location overlooking the Kazinga channel, through which Lake George drains into Lake Edward.
We watched buffalo and hippo on the far bank while sitting on the terrace eating lunch.  Our room, a luxurious tented cabin, also overlooked the channel.
Having had our tent invaded by monkeys at Mihingo Lodge four nights earlier, it was the turn of an army of ants to come marching in through the gap beneath the door.  We decamped to the neighboring tent and ensured that paraffin was poured around the perimeter and all gaps stuffed with towels to prevent any more unwelcome nightly visitors.

After the ant episode, we went for dinner.  It was 9pm by now and we needed some wine to unwind, so we ordered two glasses of chablis, and watched the bats flying low outside the windows. After a while the waiter returned with a random bottle of red wine, which we sent back.  More time elapsed and the waiter reappeared with two glasses full of an amber liquid which one sip confirmed was either really 'off' wine or more likely apple juice.  Eventually we got some acceptable white wine and then waited for our meal.  After an hour and a half the staff informed us they were closing the restaurant and would we move to the bar - and promptly turned off all the lights!

A pre-lunch swim and a very delicious lunch accompanied by friendly weaver birds the next day went some way to restoring faith in Mweya Lodge but needless to say we did not leave a tip!

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