Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Primates at Lake Mburo

Bush babies make nightly visits to Mihingo Lodge and we viewed these under a red light since they are nocturnal and are dazzled by brighter lights.  This is a female and was grey with a large bushy tail; the mail was black.  They communicated with loud squeals.
We also saw another bush baby in the trees on our night drive - its eyes reflected unblinking in the spotlight beam.
These vervet monkeys were in a tree by the lodge. 
After dinner we returned to our tent to discover that monkey junkies had broken in through a velcro-sealed screen window; they had rifled through the contents of my suitcase which was unzipped, and had scattered books and clothes on the floor as well as running off with a yellow rattly bottle of aspirins, which thankfully they dropped on our verandah so I could retrieve them.  They had also taken Bonnie's dental floss out on to the verandah and tasted her tube of toothpaste by biting through the side!
As we left Lake Mburo we passed a group of baboons digging for ants.

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